Classes & Curriculum
The curriculum for TLC is organized into a spiral of integrated studies, rather than a traditional model in which the curriculum is compartmentalized into separate subjects. Our curriculum gives TLC children the opportunities to do the things that their parent(s) do at home. Through out their stay at TLC the children are exposed to an integrated thematic approach that ties the separate disciplines of the curriculum from concrete to abstract.
Ages 15 mos - 24 mos
Both toddlers program focus on practical life exercises, sensory, exploration and vocabulary enrichment to help students acquire a sense of order, sequence and independence. The nurturing that is provided in TLC helps our children explore and experience at their own pace social, physical and cognitive level in an indoor and outdoor environment.
Ages 24 mos - 36 mos
Both toddlers program focus on practical life exercises, sensory, exploration and vocabulary enrichment to help students acquire a sense of order, sequence and independence. The program purpose is to assist the toddler during their separation from home.
Ages 3 to 6 years
Heightens the child's 5 senses; hands-on manipulative materials allow child to distinguish, categorize and compare the concrete elements of height and order.
Practical Life
Students learn to care for the environment, learn self development skills such as buttoning, zipping, pouring liquids, etc. Students also begin to use social development through grace and courtesy.
Cultural Studies
Phonics-based curriculum provides every child with "sounds" necessary to link letters to make words, then words makes sentences.
Using simple alphabet cutouts are able to effortlessly link sounds, symbols, their shapes, and written formation.
Children learn about people their countries and the world through holiday celebrations, cultural observations, maps, flags, food, music, and pictures. Science activities and topics include differentiation between living and non-living things as well as between animals and plants (botany, zoology, ecology).
Understanding of the basic mathematical operation of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division through the use of manipulative materials such as rods, beads, cubes, and counters allows the student to visualize the abstraction of numbers.

The Daily Schedule
7:00 - 8:30
8:30 - 8:50
8:50 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:30
10:30 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:00
12:00 - 12:45
12:45 - 1:00
1:00 - 3:00
3:00 - 3:30
3:30 - 6:00
Student arrival and free activity time
Opening greeting, calendar, weather
Circle time/Montessori lesson
Morning snack
Individual work
Recess/Outdoor walk/ Story time
Lunch *
Clean up
Afternoon snack time
Arts and Crafts and Movement Free Play
* TLC provides fresh, nutritious, and exciting meals for every child. We are sensitive to all special dietary and allergic restrictions.
Thank you for loving my children when they are unlovable, being patient with them when you have lost your patience, believing in them and pushing them to be wonderful human beings by teaching manners, life skills, and appropriate behavior along with their academics.
- The Boleans